Sunday, January 30, 2011

Welcome to Third Quarter!

Monday is a fresh start and a new opportunity for students to reach for their goals and put forth their best efforts this quarter.  Please be reminded that second quarter report cards will be sent home on Wednesday. 

Also, let's extend a warm welcome to our new student teacher, Ms. Balla, who begins this week.

Have a great week!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

End of Second Quarter

This week marks the last week of second quarter.  If students have any missing work, late work, or corrections to make, they must be turned in by Tuesday.  Grades will be finalized this week and report cards will come out next week.  Please check Parent Portal and e-mail me with any concerns you may have.

Congratulations go out to the winners of our classroom spelling bee Kinnard and Zane.  They competed in the schoolwide spelling bee last week.  Good job, boys!

We welcomed a new student to our class this month.  Welcome, De'Jhaye!

More changes are coming as we welcome another new face, our new student teacher, Ms. Balla.  Students had the opportunity to meet her last Friday while she was observing in our classroom.  She will begin "full time" (four days a week) on Monday, January 31st.  Ms. Balla comes to us through the Urban Teacher Education Program at University of Chicago, just like Ms. Olson, and will be with us until the end of May.

Stay warm and have a great week!

Monday, January 17, 2011

ISAT Practice Website

Please note the new link below to the Interactive ISAT Practice Questions.  This tool is located on the Illinois State Board of Education Website.  It gives students practice questions at their grade level and the subject areas in which they will be tested.  Please use this to help your child familiarize themself with the multiple choice layout of the test, as well as the types of questions that will be asked.

If you have any further questions about preparing for ISAT, please let me know.  I hope you have been attending the Saturday "Rock the ISAT" sessions that Ms. Watkins has been providing.  This will also help your child gain an advantage come testing day!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Scantron Testing This Week

I hope you had a restful weekend.  This Wednesday afternoon, our class will be taking our Reading Scantron Test in the media center.  We will take the Math Test on Thursday.  Please make sure your child has a calulator on that day, and everyday in class.

Scantron Testing is new to Pershing West this year.  We take it three times a year and it helps us assess where the students are at and where they need to go.  We use this information in planning our lessons, especially in small guided reading groups in my classroom.  It has replaced the old Benchmark tests students took three times a year. 

The Scantron is unique because students take it on a computer.  If they answer a question right, the computer continues to give them harder and harder questions to determine how high they can go while still being successful.  If the students answer questions incorrectly, it will give them an easier one to help determine what level they are at.

Please let me know if you have any additional questions about the Scantron Testing!

Have a great week and please feel free to join our school for our Dr. King Assembly on Friday at 1:00 pm!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year!

Two weeks have come and gone and now it is time to get back to work!  January will be a busy month as we do Scantron Testing in Reading and Math and continue to prepare for the ISAT test which will be in two short months.  Of course, we will also be busy reading, writing fiction, adding and subtracting fractions, building pulley systems and more!

Remember to look out for Progress Reports this Wednesday.  Sign them and send the bottom portion back!

A special thanks to everyone who donated to our Pennies for Peace Campaign!  We ended up raising $132.97...not bad for mostly pennies!

Best wishes for a wonderful 2011!