Sunday, January 9, 2011

Scantron Testing This Week

I hope you had a restful weekend.  This Wednesday afternoon, our class will be taking our Reading Scantron Test in the media center.  We will take the Math Test on Thursday.  Please make sure your child has a calulator on that day, and everyday in class.

Scantron Testing is new to Pershing West this year.  We take it three times a year and it helps us assess where the students are at and where they need to go.  We use this information in planning our lessons, especially in small guided reading groups in my classroom.  It has replaced the old Benchmark tests students took three times a year. 

The Scantron is unique because students take it on a computer.  If they answer a question right, the computer continues to give them harder and harder questions to determine how high they can go while still being successful.  If the students answer questions incorrectly, it will give them an easier one to help determine what level they are at.

Please let me know if you have any additional questions about the Scantron Testing!

Have a great week and please feel free to join our school for our Dr. King Assembly on Friday at 1:00 pm!