
The Week of 6-4-12 (subject to change)

Math Workbook page for Lesson 11-4
Read Chapters 24 and 25 in Island of the Blue Dolphins and answer #2 on the “Responding” sheet
Bring a photograph and/or clip art for a scrapbook page

Math Workbook page for Lesson 11-4
Read chapters 28-29 of Island of the Blue Dolphins and finish “Responding Sheet.”
Bring a photograph or clip art for a scrapbook page

Math Textbook reteaching pages for Topic 11, be ready for test
Science 121: Write a list of your favorite things we did this year in science. Tell if there was anything you didn’t like that much.

Ranking Worksheet

Optional: Wear an international outfit or t-shirt for World Culture Day on Monday

The Week of 5-29-12 (subject to change)


Read Chapters 18-19 of Island of the Blue Dolphins and draw a picture of Karana and Rontu fighting the devilfish. (119-124)
Math Workbook p. 80

GUM Book p. 178-183 Do one question from each lesson (Lessons 40-50) and be ready for test
Science: Read “The Sun” article. Tell the main idea of each paragraph (there are 6).

Work on Economic Expo…due tomorrow!
CHANGED--Math Workbook p. 81

Read Chapters 21- 22 in Island of the Blue Dolphins and answer #1 on “Responding” sheet
Math Worksheet

The Week of 5-21-12

Read Chapter 9 of Island of the Blue Dolphins and complete the “Active Reading Sheet”
Finish GUM pages 121-122
Math Textbook p. 142-143 (odds only) and be ready for test

Read ch.11 and 12 of Island of the Blue Dolphins and make a list of the materials Karana uses to build her shelter and how they were used.
Finish GUM pages 123-124
Words and Definitions for Math Topic 11

Finish GUM pages 125-126
Math Workbook p. 78 BRING TEXTBOOKS HOME You are a shadow.
Science: You are a shadow. Explain how you change throughout the day.

Read ch. 13 and 14 of Island of the Blue Dolphins and complete “Elephant Seal” sheet
Finish GUM pages 127-128
Math Workbook p. 79
Science: Write a poem about summer and the sun’s energy.

Read ch. 15 and 16 of Island of the Blue Dolphins and write a one page diary entry as Karana
Finish GUM pages 129-130
Math Workbook p. 80

The Week of 5-14-12

Introducing the Novel Worksheet
Finish GUM pages
Math Workbook page 34

Read Chapters two and three of Island of the blue Dolphins…draw a map of the Island according to the description in the book.
Finish GUM pages
Math Workbook page 35

Island Word Research
Finish GUM pages
Bring in pictures of food from grocery ads if you can.
Math Workbook page 36
Science: Tree Shadow Puzzle

Read Chapter 4 of Island of the Blue Dolphins (battle scene), describe the battle including who was in it and why it happened
Finish GUM pages
Math Workbook page 37
Science: Response Sheet-Heating the Earth

Read chapters 6 and 7 of Island of the Blue Dolphins and write a diary page as Karana describing what happened and how she feels.
Finish GUM pages
Math Workbook page 38

The Week of 5-7-12

Hate that Cat Read p. 111-125 and finish the question sheet
Poetry reading test tomorrow
Bring in a magazine or newspaper to cut up for your found poem
Math Textbook p. 116-117 (odds only)—math test tomorrow

Poetic Terms Worksheet
Write words and definitions for Math Topic 5

Memorize your poem and be ready to recite it tomorrow.
Math workbook page 31
Read science textbook p. 306 and write a paragraph about the advantages and disadvantages of using solar energy.

Study for Word Wisdom test
Write two examples of each and be ready for test: alliteration, metaphor, simile, onomatopoeia, rhyme
Math workbook page 32
Science Textbook p. 306-307. Copy down the five steps of how tracking mirrors convert sunlight into electricity. You need to put them in the correct order yourself for full credit.

Finish the final draft of your poetry booklet
Math workbook page 33

The Week of 4-30-12

Math Workbook p. 27
Type or neatly write a copy of your best wheelbarrow poem.

Long Division Worksheet
Word Wisdom p. 109

Read pages 75-82 of Hate That Cat and write a paragraph about Jack’s mom.
Math Worksheet

Prime and Composite Worksheet
Study for Word Wisdom test

Math Workbook p. 30
Read p. 83-110 in Hate That Cat and answer questions 6-7 from worksheet.

The Week of 4-23-12
Math Workbook p. 24
Science 119: Work on Science Fair Project…due Monday!
Pick a poem from p. 235-251 in the reading textbook. Rewrite in on notebook paper. Write what the poem is about, why you picked it, and what you liked about it.

Study for math facts test tomorrow.
Word Wisdom p. 103

Math Workbook p. 25
Reread pages 1-15 of Hate That Cat and answer questions 1-3 from worksheet.
Work on Science Fair Project…due Monday!

Math Workbook p. 26
Study for Word Wisdom test
Read p. 138-140 and p. 28-60 in Hate That Cat and answer questions 4-5 from worksheet.

CHANGE-math worksheet
CHANGE--no literacy homework
Work on Science Fair Project…due Monday!