Saturday, January 22, 2011

End of Second Quarter

This week marks the last week of second quarter.  If students have any missing work, late work, or corrections to make, they must be turned in by Tuesday.  Grades will be finalized this week and report cards will come out next week.  Please check Parent Portal and e-mail me with any concerns you may have.

Congratulations go out to the winners of our classroom spelling bee Kinnard and Zane.  They competed in the schoolwide spelling bee last week.  Good job, boys!

We welcomed a new student to our class this month.  Welcome, De'Jhaye!

More changes are coming as we welcome another new face, our new student teacher, Ms. Balla.  Students had the opportunity to meet her last Friday while she was observing in our classroom.  She will begin "full time" (four days a week) on Monday, January 31st.  Ms. Balla comes to us through the Urban Teacher Education Program at University of Chicago, just like Ms. Olson, and will be with us until the end of May.

Stay warm and have a great week!