Sunday, May 20, 2012

The Week of 5-21-12

Look out for progress reports coming home this week!

In Word Work, we will continue working in the GUM book. We will discuss use of commas, semi-colons, quotations, as well as parts of a friendly letter.

In literature study this week, students will continue reading Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O’Dell. We will discuss character motivation and pay attention to details while reading. We will do drawing, acting, writing, and discussion activities to support our reading this week.

In writing workshop, we will use the Mind-Up Curriculum to talk about perspective taking. Perspective taking is the ability to see situations from the viewpoint of another person. When we mindfully practice perspective taking, we become more skilled at accurately interpreting the behavior of those around us. Calm perspective taking directs incoming information to the reflective, thinking prefrontal cortex instead of the reflexive, reactive amygdala.

We will begin math this week by reviewing long division and Topic 5. The test will be on Tuesday. Then we will begin Topic 11: Multiplying Fractions and Mixed Numbers. Students will learn how to: multiply fractions by a whole number, give the product of two fractions, and multiply mixed numbers.

In science this week we will review data we collected last week. We will discuss how shadows are made and why they change length and position. Then, we will share and graph the data we collected during our Heating Earth’s Materials experiment last week.