Sunday, April 15, 2012

Museum Opening this Friday!

As you know, students have been working hard on their inquiry projects, investigating their own topics of interest.  On Friday, they will have the grand opening of their Black History and Civil Rights Museum at 9:00 am.  We hope you can make it to see all of the hard work they've put into it.  In addition, I look forward to seeing you at Report Card Pick-up on Wednesday, April 18th.  Here's what else we are doing this week, the week of April 16, 2012:

In Word Work, students will begin Word Wisdom Unit 5: Measurement. We will work on Part 1 this week which focuses on how to use Context Clues. In literature study, we finalize our inquiry projects and prepare for the opening of our museum. We will have opening day at the museum on Friday! In writing workshop, students will work on various Mind-up activities where they will do a couple of activities to practice mindful seeing.

To begin the week in Math, students will review topic information on graphs and data and take the Topic 18 assessment on Tuesday. On Wednesday, we will begin Topic 4 and launch into a multiple-topic study of division. Students should continue practicing their multiplication and division facts to assure mastery before the end of the school year.

This week in science, students will conduct an experiment about measuring learning. We will discuss what makes this a good experiment and why this would be valid for a science fair project (it has multiple trials, it is seeking an answer to a question through experimentation, and it has measurable results.) We will also discuss how to set up a science fair board.