Sunday, March 25, 2012

Freedom Center...Here We Come!

This week is our annual trip to The National Underground Railroad Freedom Center.  We are truly looking forward to it!  Information was sent home with students last Friday with all of the details.  If you need more information, please let me know.  Students who are not attending the field trip should report to school as usual.

Here's what we are doing the week of 3-26-12:
In Word Work, students will continue working on GUM Book Unit 4: Grammar. This week we will work on forms of “be,” verb tense, negatives, and superlative & comparatives adjectives. In literature study, we will continue our inquiry projects. Students have created focus questions related to Civil Rights and Black History. They will have a couple of opportunities to use the media center to conduct research this week. Students will also learn how to read to get the gist of something to avoid plagiarism. In writing workshop, students will share their persuasive essays with a partner and with the rest of the class. We will also prepare for a school-wide essay by reviewing our last school-wide essays and discuss mistakes we made and how to avoid them on Thursday morning’s essay.

In math students will continue studying Topic 18: Graphs and Data. Students will use place value to organize data in a stem-and-leaf plot. Then, they will make and interpret histograms. Students will learn about circle graphs this week. Finally, students will create their own survey questions and display the data in at least three different ways.

This week in science, students will continue design their own pulley experiments. We will begin the week by determining some independent and dependent variables from our fixed pulley experiments. Students will use these ideas to come up with a focus question that will lead their investigation. They will conduct the experiment in class and report their findings.