Sunday, February 26, 2012

Another Busy Week

This week will be a busy week for us, the week of 2-27-12.  In addition to the learning listed below, we will be attending Pershing West's first Black History Bowl on Monday morning at 9:00 am.  Please feel free to join us.  On Thursday, the boys will listen to a special guest speaker and the girls watch a movie called Finding Kind and discuss bullying.  Don't forget that there is a day off next Monday and the following Tuesday we begin ISATs!

In word work, students will work with the words lecture, assert, declare, elaborate, expression, insist, acoustics, converse, accentuate, and petition.

In literature study, students will practice using details from Mississippi Trial 1955 to make inferences. When we infer we use background knowledge with clues in the text to come up with our own ideas about what the author is trying to present.

In writing workshop, we will practice mindful thinking this week and concentrate on mindful seeing with two different Mind-Up activities. Then, we will start a unit on persuasive writing by discussing some topics that students will be asked to talk a side on. In the final activity of the week, students will have to convince a classmate that their type of food is better than the other’s by making claims and evidence about their food.

This week in math students will learn how to write the same number as a fraction, decimal, and percent. Students will learn that finding a percent of a whole number is like finding part of a whole. They will learn how to display data in a table and extend a pattern to find percents. Students will answer questions about a recipe to review ratios, percents, fractions, and decimals.

This week in science, students will create their own experiment with a lever, changing out the independent variable and keeping the dependent and the controlled variables the same as our past lever experiments. They will write up the experiment and present the results to their classmates. Students will also be taking a levers test.