Saturday, November 12, 2011

See You Wednesday!

I look forward to meeting with all of you on Wednesday for Report Card Pick-Up.  Don't forget that there is no school for students on Friday.  Here's what we'll be working on this week (11-14-11):

In Word Work, we will work on Unit 2, Lesson 3 in the Word Wisdom book. We will continue to study vocabulary related to movement. This week we will work on Reference Skills.

In literature study, students will continue to work on the skill of identifying author’s purpose and author’s point of view as we read “Three Cups of Tea.” This is a fascinating book that tells the story of how Greg Mortenson worked to open over sixty schools in Pakistan and Afghanistan.  I encourage you to read this uplifting book along with your child.  We will also start our “Heal the World” project. This project is an opportunity for students to do something that will benefit the children we are reading about in “Three Cups of Tea.”

In writing workshop, students will learn how to generate ideas for an essay by observing the world around them and by drawing conclusions based on their observations.

In math we will begin the week with a new topic, Topic 12, “Perimeter and Area.” Students will measure lengths using both customary and metric units. They will also practice finding the perimeter of different shapes.

In science this week, students will learn about the lifecycles of reptiles, birds, and more.