Sunday, November 27, 2011

Have a good week!

I hope you had a good Thanksgiving holiday!  Here's what we will be working on this week, the week of 11-28-11:

In Word Work, we will be starting GUM book, Unit 3: Usage. Students will practice distinguishing the difference between words like there, their, and they’re, it’s and its, and more.

In literature study, students will continue to read “Three Cups of Tea” and reflect upon the text. Students groups will also keep working on their “Heal the World” projects. Students have formed groups of 3-5 people and have a diverse array of projects including campaigning for money, creating a website, writing speeches, letters, raps, books, and posters.

In writing workshop, students will continue to generate ideas for an essay by observing the world around them and by drawing conclusions based on their observations. Then, we will read an essay and determine how the student organized it. Students will learn how to push themselves to write more. Finally, we will try to create our own thesis statements for our own essays.

This week in math we will learn how to find circumference of a circle. Next, we will work on problem solving. Then, we will review the concepts of Topic 12 including perimeter and area and students will take the Topic 12 test.

In science this week, students will learn about Antarctica and penguins. Students will understand how the angle of the sun hitting the Earth makes certain places colder or hotter than other places. They will investigate how penguins can stay warm in such a cold environment. Students will also explore how penguins are able to keep their eggs warm in the same environment. In Word Work, we will be starting GUM book, Unit 3: Usage. Students will practice distinguishing the difference between words like there, their, and they’re, it’s and its, and more.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

As we enter another short week, I'd like to take a moment and wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving Holiday!  Here's what we'll be learning this week:

In Word Work, we will work on Unit 2, Lesson 4. This will be a review of all of our movement words. Students will have a final unit test on Wednesday. In literature study, students will continue to read “Three Cups of Tea” and reflect upon the text. Students groups will also keep working on their “Heal the World” projects. Students have formed groups of 3-5 people and have a diverse array of projects including campaigning for money, creating a website, writing speeches, letters, raps, books, and posters. In writing workshop, students will continue to generate ideas for an essay by observing the world around them and by drawing conclusions based on their observations.

In math, students will learn how to find the area of squares, rectangles, parallelograms, and triangles.

In science this week, students will learn about the lifecycles of amphibians.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

See You Wednesday!

I look forward to meeting with all of you on Wednesday for Report Card Pick-Up.  Don't forget that there is no school for students on Friday.  Here's what we'll be working on this week (11-14-11):

In Word Work, we will work on Unit 2, Lesson 3 in the Word Wisdom book. We will continue to study vocabulary related to movement. This week we will work on Reference Skills.

In literature study, students will continue to work on the skill of identifying author’s purpose and author’s point of view as we read “Three Cups of Tea.” This is a fascinating book that tells the story of how Greg Mortenson worked to open over sixty schools in Pakistan and Afghanistan.  I encourage you to read this uplifting book along with your child.  We will also start our “Heal the World” project. This project is an opportunity for students to do something that will benefit the children we are reading about in “Three Cups of Tea.”

In writing workshop, students will learn how to generate ideas for an essay by observing the world around them and by drawing conclusions based on their observations.

In math we will begin the week with a new topic, Topic 12, “Perimeter and Area.” Students will measure lengths using both customary and metric units. They will also practice finding the perimeter of different shapes.

In science this week, students will learn about the lifecycles of reptiles, birds, and more.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Edible Cells

We have been learning about cells in science class.  Last week, students created edible versions of the animal cell highlighting the nucleus, cell membrane, cytoplasm, mitochondria, and vacuoles.  Here is an example of one of them.  Check out our bulletin board for the rest!

Here's what we'll be learning this week:  In Word Work, we will work on Unit 2, Lesson 2 in the Word Wisdom book. We will continue to study vocabulary related to movement. This week we will work on the Latin Roots of the words. We will focus on the roots act and agi which mean to do ar act; tract which means to pull; and ten, tin, and tain which mean to hold. In literature study, students will focus on the skill of identifying author’s purpose and author’s point of view. We will begin building background knowledge for the novel “Three Cups of Tea” and we will work on a dramatization of the picture book that tells the same story, “Listen to the Wind.” Students will write the final draft of their expository paragraph. We will compile them in a book with chapters, classifying the different topics that students wrote about.

This week in math, students will review the concepts of Topic 8 including how to classify polygons, how to identify properties of polygons, how to make generalizations about polygons, how to read and draw angles as well as find the value of a missing angle. Students should also understand terminology related to lines, line segments and rays including the terms parallel, perpendicular, and intersecting.

In science this week, students will take a test on the parts of the cell. Then, they will compare the lifecycle of two animals we have in our classroom, fish and butterflies. We will observe these animals.