Monday, September 5, 2011

Welcome Back to School!

I would like to extend a warm welcome to everyone during our first week back to school!  Here's what we will be learning this week...

For our first week of school in Literacy, students will be learning about our classroom procedures and guidelines. They will also become familiar with the parts of the classroom, including how to use the classroom library. We will be discussing the characters from Sahara Special, paying attention to their names and character traits. Students will think about their own character traits as they write a poem about themselves and fill out a job application. They will be exploring their own names and will begin writing an essay based on what they’ve found out.

This week in Math, students will learn how to read and write numbers in the billions. They will compare and order numbers through the billions using place value. They will represent decimals in a place value chart.

This week in Science students will become familiar with the procedures used in science class. We will discuss the expectations for proper group work, as we will be working in groups everyday. In addition, we will be setting up our formal science journals, making sure that students are organized and ready to take good notes and make thoughtful observations and conclusions. Students will also practice their observation skills by observing and drawing a penny both with their naked eye and with a magnifier.

Have a terrific week!
Mrs. Vera