Sunday, September 25, 2011

Monday: OPEN HOUSE! Tuesday / Thursday: SCANTRON TESTING!

Hello!  Don't forget that Open House is this Monday, September 26th from 5:00-7:00 pm.  We'll be meeting in the auditorium and in our classroom.  I really hope you will be able to attend!  At 6:30 pm you will also have the opportunity to sign up for after school programs.

Our class will be taking the Scantron Reading Test on Tuesday and the Scantron Math Test on Thursday.  If you'd like to know more about these, please let me know! Here's what we are learning this week:

In Word Wisdom, we will work on Unit 1: Part 2 this week. Students will have their post-test on Thursday.

In literature study, we will be focusing on cause and effect while reading Bud, Not Buddy.  We will also be thinking about some historical topics that relate to the novel in order to start an inquiry project.

In writing workshop, we will continue collecting ideas for our personal narratives. We will focus on writing about a small moment in time, not on a large topic or event that spans multiple moments. Students will also share their name essays from the weeks before.

This week in math, we will begin the week by reviewing some of the lessons from last week. Then, students will use a place value chart to help add and subtract large numbers. They will also learn how to add and subtract decimals. We will do some more problem-solving this week where students will use multiple steps to solve a variety of problems.

This week in science, students will be learning about microscopes, their parts, and how they work. Students will take a quiz next week on the parts of a microscope and on the concepts of magnification that we have covered, thus far.

Have a fabulous week!
Mrs. Vera

Sunday, September 18, 2011

No School Friday, but Lots of Learning This Week!

Just a reminder that there is no school for students this Friday, September 23rd.  Here's what we'll be doing this week, the week of 9-19-11.

Literacy: In Word Wisdom, we will work on Unit 1: Part 2 this week. Students will have their post-test on Thursday. In literature study, we will be focusing on how to set a purpose for reading and make predictions before and during reading. We will apply this to two non-fiction readings at the beginning of the week as we do some background reading for Bud, not Buddy by Christopher Paul Curtis. Then, we will apply this skill to the book as we begin reading it on Wednesday. In writing workshop, we will begin collecting ideas from our lives for our personal narratives. We will be working on these for the next couple of weeks.

Math: This week in math, we will begin Topic 2: Adding and Subtracting Whole Numbers and Decimals. Students will use properties of addition to calculate sums mentally. They will use a number line to round whole numbers to tens, hundreds, or thousands. They will round to estimate sums and differences. Students will draw a picture or model to help them choose an operation and problem solve.

Science: This week in science, students will use the loupes and hand lenses to further examine objects. They will learn how to use analogies to describe their observations and think about how that might lead them to further conclusions about the objects. Later in the week, students will be testing the properties of different kinds of lenses. They should understand that the more a lens curves, the more it magnifies.

Have a wonderful week!
Mrs. Vera

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Back into the Swing of Things!

We had a great week last week and I look forward to another good one this week.  We're quickly getting back into the swing of things!  Here's what we'll be up to in the week of 9-12-11:

In Word Wisdom, we will start Unit 1: Food, which has four parts. Each unit will look like this:

     Week 1 / Part 1: pre-test, study context clues, study 10 words, post-test
     Week 2 / Part 2: pre-test, study Latin Roots, study 10 new words, post-test
     Week 3 / Part 3: pre-test, study reference skills, study 10 new words, post-test
     Week 4 / Part 4: review 30 words and take a post-test on 30 words

      In literature study, we will be practicing how to use text evidence to find character traits in two stories: Eleven by Sandra Cisneros and Thank You, M’am by Langston Hughes.

      In writing workshop, we will work on our name essays.

       This week in math, students will compare and order decimals through the thousandths. Then, we will be wrapping up Topic 1: Numerations. In the last lesson, students will use a grid to determine a place-value pattern. Then, we will review the previous lessons, discuss short response questions and extended response questions in order to prepare for the test. The Topic 1 Test will be on Thursday and it will be 10 multiple choice questions, 1 short response question, and 1 extended response question. Then, we will begin Topic 2: Adding and Subtracting Whole Numbers and Decimals. Students will use properties of addition to calculate sums mentally.

     This week in science, students will practice making detailed observations using both words and sketches to express what they observe. Students will get a list of descriptive adjectives that will help them while describing the observable properties of certain objects. Then, they will use their five senses to describe an edible object the teacher will give them. Next, they will use these same skills to write a diamante poem to describe an object.

Have a good week!
Mrs. Vera

Monday, September 5, 2011

Welcome Back to School!

I would like to extend a warm welcome to everyone during our first week back to school!  Here's what we will be learning this week...

For our first week of school in Literacy, students will be learning about our classroom procedures and guidelines. They will also become familiar with the parts of the classroom, including how to use the classroom library. We will be discussing the characters from Sahara Special, paying attention to their names and character traits. Students will think about their own character traits as they write a poem about themselves and fill out a job application. They will be exploring their own names and will begin writing an essay based on what they’ve found out.

This week in Math, students will learn how to read and write numbers in the billions. They will compare and order numbers through the billions using place value. They will represent decimals in a place value chart.

This week in Science students will become familiar with the procedures used in science class. We will discuss the expectations for proper group work, as we will be working in groups everyday. In addition, we will be setting up our formal science journals, making sure that students are organized and ready to take good notes and make thoughtful observations and conclusions. Students will also practice their observation skills by observing and drawing a penny both with their naked eye and with a magnifier.

Have a terrific week!
Mrs. Vera