Sunday, April 10, 2011

Spring Break Next Week!

As we look forward to our break, we will continue work on three things that students will be finishing over the break:  Island of the Blue Dolphins, the Science Fair Project, and the first completed draft (not the final draft) of the persuasive essay.  We will be using a lot of our class time this week to work on these projects so students are not loaded down over spring break.  Students should also use their homework time wisely this week to work on these assignments.  (Details of the Science Project are posted on the "Science Room 119" tab in purple.)  (Details of how the persuasive essay will be graded are posted on the "Homework" tab for this week in purple.)

For those of you attending the Ohio Trip, we are so happy you will be joining us.  This really is a unique opportunity.  Check out the link below for the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center to visit their website.  We will be sending more information home this week about our itinerary.  The bus will leave at 6:00 am on Friday morning, so students should plan on arriving at 5:30 am so we can load the bus and be ready to leave.  We will leave promptly at 6:00 am and not wait for any late-comers.

Have a terrific week!