Sunday, December 5, 2010

Field Trip Thursday!

We will be taking a field trip to the Museum of Science and Industry this Thursday.  The permission slip and $6.00 are due on Monday.  Please turn them in as soon as possible.  Thank you to Mrs. Beckham and Mrs. Parham for coming with us.  Thank you, also, to other parents who volunteered.  I will contact you for our next trip! 

Students will be guided on a scavenger hunt of simple machines around the museum.  It should be a great day!  Remember that students should wear their PE uniforms.  They may bring money to buy lunch or bring their own lunch that they will have to carry with them until lunch time.

Our Winter Wonderland Assembly is this Wednesday at 1:00 pm.  Some of our class members will be participating as part of the choir.  You are welcome to come watch their performance.  Good luck, singers!

One last note to let you know that Progress Reports will come out the week after we return from Winter Break.  That means, any missing assignments or corrections that students would like to complete, need to be turned in within the next two weeks, before the break begins.