Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Have a Wonderful Summer!

Congratulations on making it through another year of school!  I hope you have a wonderful summer.  Relax, recharge yourself, and please remember to find some books you love and read!  Enjoy my poem for you:

A Poem by Mrs. Vera
June 2011
“This is the end, there ain’t no more,”
I borrowed those words, but they’re true to the core

Another year of school is done,
Let’s look back and review the fun!

Madison played Dr. Greg in our play,
Kendall built an Egyptian Game,

Unique had fun building a mummy,
Kyle played basketball when it was sunny

Myles swept up and cleaned the floor,
Jermaine always liked to hold the door

Zane showed off his drawing skills,
Tyler excelled at all math drills

Elizabeth tapped upon the stage,
Iris read tons as she turned the page

Jordyn’s writing was always neat,
Aubrielle knew when to take a seat

Mackenzie helped with the bulletin boards,
Kinnard was successful at the Monarch Awards

De’Jhaye had fun on the governor’s trip,
Zyale built things from pens and clips

An Egyptian pyramid, Marcus did build
When Tasia’s dad came for Career Day, the room was filled

Maya showed off her cheerleading moves,
At the Jacob Lattimore concert, Rayana grooved

Jessica learned plenty at the Freedom Center,
Into the museum, Zoe and her mom did enter

They learned about slavery and some secret codes
They studied the Underground Railroad

Micaela reached her goal of keeping her homework neat,
In science, Lexie showed the difference between sour and sweet

Takiyah helped with breakfast clean up,
Tossing bags, getting rid of juice cups

Mindless Behavior rocked our school,
Amber got a poster, which was really cool

Kayla engaged us with her fiction story,

When the rain came down, we read books that were gory

We listened to Michael Jackson and rocked to the beat,
We ate cold popsicles to beat the heat

When all is over, said, and done
We had an adventurous 5th grade run

As you move on, to a new 6th grade era,
Remember who will always love you, your 5th grade teacher, Mrs. Vera!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

We're Almost There!

As school comes rapidly to an end, we have a lot of exciting activities to keep us going!  In addition to what we are working on in the classroom, we will have an assembly this week, a Students-vs-Teachers basketball game and a Students-vs-Teachers Flag Football game.

Students should come in full uniform everyday this week.  The last week of school will be Spirit Week which will be full of opportunities to dress in different ways.

Have a great week!
Mrs. Vera