Sunday, November 28, 2010

Is it December already?

I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving break.  It's hard to believe that December is right around the corner.  Thank you to the family members that came to our Harvest Assembly performance of Three Cups of Tea. The students did a great job! Congratulations, class!

You may have noticed that the "Weekly Overviews" tab is now called "What Are We Learning This Week?"  I hope you find this information useful.  Every now and then I will include suggestions of what to ask your children as a way for you to extend their learning at home.  I would love to hear any feedback you have about these extensions or the website in general.

Lastly, please look out for a field trip slip coming soon for a trip we will be taking to the Museum of Science and Industry on December 9th.  Have a great week!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Have a Wonderful Thanksgiving!

It was wonderful meeting all of you at Report Card Pick-up last week. I hope you found that taking time out of your busy schedules was worth your while. Having strong communication between home and school is one way to increase your child's success in school.

As Thanksgiving approaches, it is time for us to reflect on what we have and what we are thankful for. At Pershing West we feel thankful to have a wonderful school, staff, and student body. As we are reading in "Three Cups of Tea," not all individuals are that lucky. Please send your spare pennies to school to help us raise money for these individuals as part of our "Pennies for Peace" campaign. Thank you to those of you who have already donated.

We hope to see you at our Harvest Assembly on Wednesday morning at 9:00 am where we will tell the story of "Three Cups of Tea."

Finally, we have a field trip planned for Thursday, December 9th to the Museum of Science and Industry. This time we are definitely going! (If you recall, I had an earlier trip planned, but it got cancelled.) I'm looking for parent volunteers, so please let me know if you are available as soon as possible at We appreciate your support.

Have a very happy Thanksgiving!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Three Cups of Tea

I am so excited to be starting the novel "Three Cups of Tea" with students this week. It is "one man's journey to change the child at a time." We are reading the young readers' edition. Students will learn how Greg Mortenson worked tirelessly to bring schools and education to remote areas of Pakistan and Afghanistan. Our class will join the Pennies of Peace campaign and raise money to help do our part. Please see the link to this website below.

On the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, we will be presenting Greg Mortenson's story to the school at our Harvest Assmebly. We hope you can join us.

I look forward to seeing you this Wednesday at Report Card Pick-up!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Picture Day

This Wednesday is Picture Day! Students may come to school out of uniform. If they would like to order pictures, they need to bring their order form and money on this day.

Your scheduled report card pick-up time will be sent home on Monday. Please ask your son or daughter for the paper with your time on it. Report card pick-up will be held next Wednesday, November 17th.

Finally, just a quick reminder that there is no school for students on Thursday and Friday.