Saturday, October 30, 2010

November is Here!

The leaves are falling and the weather is changing. November and Autumn have arrived!

Our class will be participating in the Harvest Assembly on Wednesday, November 24th at 9:00 am, so mark it on you calendars. I'm not sure what we are doing yet, so if you have any ideas or some expertise you'd like to share, please let me know!

Don't miss the ALSC meeting this Tuesday at 5:30 pm. Our Chief Area Officer will be present. There is also a meeting on Wednesday night at 5:30 pm for 5th-8th grade parents whose children are interested in going on the Washington, DC trip. A flyer went home last week about this.

Finally, a light orange sheet went home last week with your child's username and password for Study Island. This is a great way to prepare for ISATs, or just to brush up on 5th grade reading and math skills. Please make sure your child logs on as much as possible. It is a valuable resource which I hope you use. Enjoy!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Parent Portal

On Monday, please look out for a purple piece of paper coming home with your child's login information for Parent Portal. Use the link below to get connected. I know many of you are already using the Parent Portal to check grades. Thank you! This helps you know what is going on in the classroom. I welcome communication based on what you see on Parent Portal. As most of you know, the best way to reach me is at my e-mail address,, should any concerns arise.

Next weekend, some of you will be celebrating Halloween. We will not be having a party in class, but if students would like to bring candy to share with their classmates, they may do so on Friday!

Have a "spooktacular" week!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Thanks All Around!

Thank you to everyone who ordered books from our Scholatic Magazines. Whenever you order books, our class earns points. Then, I can use those points to buy books for our classroom library for your children to check out. Last month I was able to buy 14 new copies of "Bud, Not Buddy!"

Also, thank you to those of you who sold cookie dough for our school fundraiser. We appreciate your efforts!

Click on "News You Can Use" to see a new letter from Ms. Olson. She will be leading the literacy activities for the next few weeks, with my support and guidance.

Please remember that there is no school this Friday. Have a great week!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

No School Monday

What beautiful weekend weather we had! I hope you enjoyed it.

Please remember that there will be no school on Monday, Columbus Day.

Have a wonderful week!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Get Connected!

Check out some of the links below! We will be starting a unit in multiplication this week. Students should know their multiplication facts. If they need more practice, click on the Multiplication Games link below.

For help with research on Pullman Porters (due Thursday), read up on the Pullman Porter Museum Website.

Finally, need to jazz up your day a little? Click on the Jazz for Young People link below to check out a great website we will be viewing in class this week.