Sunday, February 19, 2012

ISAT is Almost Here!

ISAT is right around this corner.  You'll notice that this week we will be incorporating some test preparation into our usual learning.  We'll be diving deeper into writing extended responses in reading and in math.  Read more details for the week of 2-20-12 below:

In Word Work, students will work with the words claim, analogy, intonation, dialogue, monotone, exclaim, disclaim, prologue, baritone, and proclaim. We will work on using the context for meaning, as well as using prefixes and root words.

In literature study, we will learn about character motivation: what makes a character do something? We will distinguish between intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. We will continue to read Mississippi Trial 1955 and discuss why certain characters make the choices they make.

In writing workshop, we will do some Mind-up Activities to practice mindful listening and mindful smelling. We will also practice timed essay writing to get students ready for writing their extended response essays for ISAT under a time limit. Students will learn how to quickly plan a hook, thesis, and reasons.

This week, students will work on various math skills while practicing how to write an extended response. We will start the week by reviewing a response students wrote last week. They will review their grades as well as some sample answers. On Tuesday, we will look at a different problem and review sample answer that have been graded by ISAT and see the official scores that were given. Some of the skills we will review this week will include measurement, fractions, algebra, perimeter, and area.

This week in science, students will learn about dependent, independent, and controlled variables. They will analyze several different experiments and determine the types of variables in each experiment.