Monday, January 30, 2012

Come to the Black History Assembly!

Our class will be performing in the Black History Assembly this Thursday at 1:00 pm.  We hope you can make it.  In addition to this exciting event, we will be going to see the movie Red Tails on Wednesday.  Don't forget that Friday is a professional development day for teachers, thus there is no school for students.  Here's what else we will be doing, the week of 1-30-12:  In Word Work, students will continue Unit 3, moving on to part 3. Their words this week will still be focused around the same theme: thinking.

In literature study, students will read a couple of informational pieces in class. We will learn about rap and poetry, while studying rhyme and other poetic devices. In addition, students will write their own rap or poem about the Tuskegee Airmen. Finally, we will be practicing our presentation for the Black History Assembly on Thursday afternoon.

In writing workshop, we will spend some time reviewing how to “show not tell” so students’ writing is more interesting and alive. In addition, students will get the rubric for their fiction stories.

This week, students will continue to work with fractions as we move on to Topic 10. Students will add and subtract fractions with like denominators, determine common multiples and least common multiples of numbers, and add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators. We will review a power point presentation on least common multiples and we will play “Fraction Jeopardy” to practice the concepts learned this week.