Sunday, December 4, 2011

What Do You Know About Penguins?

We've been learning a lot about pengiuns in science.  Ask your child about the two experiments we did last week.  In a couple of weeks, we will be taking a field trip to the Shedd Aquarium to observe the penguins, as well as some of the other animals.  Look out for a field trip slip coming home some time this week!  What else are we learning this week or 12-5-11, you ask?  Read below to find out.

In Word Work, students will continue Unit 3 in their GUM Book. They will be learning to distinguish the difference between that, which, and who, among other grammar and usage topics.

In literature study, students will use the computer lab to type up our Heal the World essays. They will also do some background reading for the novel The Ninth Ward. We will also have a visit from PEPSICO who will be doing activities with students during our literacy period on Tuesday. We will continue to learn about main idea and detail.

In writing workshop last week, students came up with ideas for thesis statements for their essays. This week we will be analyzing their thesis statements to see if we can shape them to be just right. Then, students will be working on coming up with ideas to support their thesis statements by completing a graphic organizer that will help them organize their ideas. We will read another essay as an example of what students’ work should look like.

Students will begin Topic 13: Solids in math. This week we will how to find the surface area of a solid. Then, students will look at arrangements of cubes and draw diagrams of the top side and front views to help their understanding of 3-D shapes and volume. Students will build a rectangular prism and find the volume. Finally, students will model how to break a shape into its parts to find the area of the shape.

In science this week, students will learn more about penguin survival as we study the following two focus questions: What would you do if you were a baby penguin and you had to find your mother among thousands of birds that looked alike? and There are more whales in Antarctica in December, January, and February. How might this affect the penguins in Antarctica?