Sunday, October 2, 2011

MSI Field Trip Friday

We are looking forward to our field trip to the Museum of Science and Industry on Friday.  We will be leaving school at 9:00 am and returning around 2:00 pm.  Students should wear their PE Uniforms and pack a bag lunch.  We won't be buying food for lunch, but students may bring money for the gift shop, if they desire.  Students are responsible for their own money and belongings.  We know this will be a fun and educational trip!  Students will have a post-trip assignment to help process what they learned.  Here's what we'll be working on the rest of the week of 10-3-11:

In Word Wisdom, we will work on Unit 1: Part 4this week. Students will have their cumulative Unit 1 Test on Friday.

In literature study, we will be focusing on the skill of questioning while reading Bud, Not Buddy. We will discuss how to read with a question in mind; stop, think, and record your questions as you read; make notes when you find information; and check your understanding and ask questions to clarify. We will also start crafting focus questions for our Great Depression Inquiry Project.

In writing workshop, we will continue working on our personal narratives. Students will learn how to incorporate details into their writing. They will also review the skill of “showing, not telling.”

This week in math, we will review all lessons in Topic 2 and take a Topic 2 test. Then, we will begin Topic 3: Multiplication with Whole Numbers. Students will review different properties of multiplication such as the commutative and associative property. Then, we will go over some mental math strategies that will help them with multiplication by 10s, 100s, and 1000s.

In Science, students will take a quiz on the parts of a microscope and on the concepts of magnification that we have covered, thus far. For our first lesson, students will place a piece of microfiche between two slides, examine it under the microscope, and describe what they see. Check out the two new Virtual Microscope links below!  Then, we will create an ethogram to observe our fish and try to answer some questions we have about what is happening in the tank.